New artist and album "Anima - Sacred Alliance" now playing on MPR.

This is a very special album from UK-based group Anima who produce music sensitively attuned to the realms of the Earth, the stars and the essence of being. There are nine tracks, each delicately crafted to transport you to the deep inner realms of the spirit, and carry you into states of relaxation and peace as the music envelops you in its subtle layers and waves of harmonic sounds.
Ali and Daniela (Anima) have both spent considerable time living with indigenous elders and teachers, studying ancient ways of ceremony, spirit medicine, yoga and the use of sacred sound. Anima is a word found in various languages and cultures, and means soul, breath, air, life force and feminine spirit energy. It is this sacred energy of the Great Mother that inspires their work with sound and music, and how they live their lives. Based in a remote location, totally off-grid in the highlands of Scotland, the electricity for powering the studio and creating the music is provided by Nature through the renewable energy sources of water and sunlight.
To listen to and purchase Anima’s music or to find out more about the work they offer, visit and their sister site