Now playing on M.P.R Chill, the track entitled 'Moab' by 'Artificial Island'.
Release date: Jul 7, 2024
Artificial Island are a London-based duo who produce evocative electronic music, blending ambient, downtempo and post-rock influences. Their aim is to write soulful electronic music capturing mood and atmosphere but without neglecting the foreground of melody.
Their music is gently upbeat but quietly melancholic, mixing ethereal and pulsing electronics, organic loops, deep almost dub-like bass with shimmering, reversing synths.
“Music is always an act of communication; capturing something felt in all its complexity to be shared across time and space. And it is always refracting, casting different lights, different shadows, but ultimately reminding us that we are connected and not isolated. We hope our music succeeds in some way in that act of connection and resonance”.
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