Ambient Channel Top 10
1. Lemon Fields - Ljunghusen, August, 10pm
2. Sergey Cheremisinov - Sleepwalker I
3. Mystified - Backwards Remastered
4. Carl Lord - Exosphere
5. Daniel Birch - The Figure
6. Ryvage & Pascal Schumacher - L'aube
7. Der Waldlaufer - Kejelasan
8. Borrtex - I'm Here for You
9. East - 4 Poles Meditation
10. Todd Fletcher - Lady Meteor
Chill Channel Top 10
1. Mental Minority - Miami Sunset Boulevard City Lights L.A. Cruisin
2. Tubebackr - Yourswag
3. Purple Cat - Bloom
4. Dr GO - The Garden
5. Infraction - Sensitive
6. Rexlambo - Oblivion
7. Purple Cat - Wishing Well
8. KaizanBlu - Chimera
9. Liqwyd - It Will Be Ok
10. Ashutosh - Reality