
Moon Phase Radio

Trans-Lunar Ambience

Moon Phase Radio Guest Book

Displaying comments 1 - 10 of 13 in total

Generally, I I like the music, & donate, but at times the music is very repetitive and monotonous, like a "broken record" and the engineer isn't paying attention.

Hello from Oregon! Loving the music, keep up the great work.

Absolutely love the station!!! Please play more Condolence Cascade!!!!

will thre be any apps for iphone / android ???

Please consider removing a track by MIGLOJE called futhawuau from your rotation as it is pure rough static and i'm afraid it will damage my player's speaker at some point.
Otherwise love your station and i use it constantly..

I am a visual artist and data analyst in Texas, USA. I literally listen to this station all day, almost every day. It is really easy to work to on weekdays, and it transitions well into an ambient soundscape for when I am painting nights and weekends. Thank you for the chill vibes. Much appreciation. :)

Thank you for adding my music on your rotation for your Chill station.

Slimdog Productions

I’ve been listening to your station for a couple of years now, and for my painting it’s been ideal. The uninterrupted flow of well selected ambient music has been a strong contributing force in the development of my work (@herbholzinger on Instagram).
Would love to come for a visit. I live in Vienna, but my son is in London, so there is a real possibility.

Happy 14th Anniversary to You

I'm leaving this site playing now, as i lay down for the night

i choose this stream for artist info, and for chilling the fevered mind....
Best available radio station for Chill and Ambient styles.....